Chankaya Defence Group

Navigating the SSB Interview: 20 Latest Group Discussion Topics for 2024

Navigating the SSB Interview: 20 Latest Group Discussion Topics for 2024 If you are an aspirant looking to join the Indian Armed Forces and have an upcoming SSB interview in 2024, you must be aware of the importance of the Group Discussion (GD) round. This segment of the selection process assesses your ability to communicate […]

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Ace Your SSB WAT with 60 Sample Responses from Recommended Candidates

Ace Your SSB Word Association Test (WAT) with 60 Sample Responses from Recommended Candidates The SSB (Services Selection Board) interview is a pivotal stage in armed forces recruitment, with psychological tests holding a particularly important role in candidate selection. Among these psychological assessments, the Word Association Test (WAT) stands out. It challenges candidates to create […]

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Mastering the Art of Crafting an Effective PP&DT Story in SSB Interview

Mastering the Art of Crafting an Effective PP&DT Story in SSB Interview The Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PP&DT) is a pivotal component of the SSB (Services Selection Board) interview process, taking place on the very first day. Its outcome is instrumental in determining whether a candidate proceeds with the SSB process over the next […]

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Mastering the Self Description Test (SDT) for SSB Interviews

Mastering the Self Description Test (SDT) for SSB Interviews: NDA Recommended Girls’ Samples The Self Description Test (SDT) is a crucial element of the SSB Interview process, encompassing psychological assessments alongside other evaluation segments like TAT, WAT, and SRT. In this article, we delve into the significance of the SDT and offer insights into sample […]

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